Yoga Can Wreck Your Body

By WILLIAM J. BROAD On a cold Saturday in early 2009, Glenn Black, a yoga teacher of nearly four decades, whose devoted clientele includes a number of celebrities and prominent…

The Thin Fantasy

FANTASY A Matter of Metabolism Weight Loss comes down to Resting Metabolism Rate/Basal Metabolism Rate combined with physical training and balanced nutrition. All humans expend energy in three ways: through…

Baby Steps

Change Your Thinking Change Your Life “If you find it in your heart to forgive life’s unforeseen circumstances, you will have succeeded.” Work harder on yourself than you do on…

Stress Check

Stress is a normal physiological response of the body when faced with a hostile situation or environment. Stress affects everything and every one. Though the stress factor may be different…

Build Backswing Power

Get Golf Fit: Learn how to build backswing power, poise and posture with this simple exercise At a fundamental level, the golf backswing asks us to swing our arms up…


The Choices along the way and the gift of life satisfaction Today’s contemporary society has given us more tools, but less and less time. We’re involved in more activities leading…

The Golf Brain

The Mental Game of Golf and How to Get Control Tomorrow’s golf game depends on the mental and physical changes you implement today. Becoming an accomplished golfer requires change –…

Reality Check: Body Mass Index

Reality Check The idea that body weight is due to genetics and set point is a disputed theory.  David Levitsky argues the statement, “No matter how hard I try, I…

Choosing the Right Foods

As cross training is important for body balance, remember to purchase and try different foods for the broad range of nutrition value it provides.  Don’t single out or focus on…

Fitness Baselines

HEART RATE The average resting heart rate for men is 60 to 80 beats per minute.  The resting heart rate for women is 70 to 90 beats per minute.  A…