Protein Foods: 3 1/2oz. twice daily (the size of a makeup compact case X 2) . Choose only very lean meat: >Natural or organic meats . Skinless natural or…
Your Gut
There is a part of your body in desperate need of protection…your gut. Think about it, every weekday and weekend you probably filled your gut with a laundry list of…
Hormones and Weight Loss
When my client wants to talk about hormones and weight loss, usually it comes down to education. First step is to help them understand the difference between their symptoms and…
The Scoop on Jumping Rope
Jumping helps to develop the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which improves your sense of spacial intelligence, reading skills, memory and mental alertness.
Muscle Cramps
Have you ever woken up in the night to an excruciating muscle spasm in your quadriceps, calf or hamstring?
Box Jumps
One of the most common misapplications of box jumps is using them as a conditioning exercise. Typically the trainer or athlete does multiple repetitions. There are a lot of issues…
The Basics of Physical Activity
You know exercise is good for you…at least that is what you’ve heard — but do you know how good? From boosting your mood to improving your mental and physical…
Abs: Endless Crunches
Deep Six Judging by the growing number of TV commercials and infomercials that guarantee you an incredible abdominal in just 8 weeks; it is evident that American’s obsess over their…
The Thin Fantasy
A Matter of Metabolism Weight Loss comes down to Resting Metabolism Rate/Basal Metabolism Rate combined with physical training and balanced nutrition. All humans expend energy in three ways: through the…
Weight Management and Regulation of Body Weight
A multitude of regulatory systems exist to maintain body weight at some predetermined point (Set-Point Theory). The theory surrounding the body’s set-point or preferred weight focuses on the idea that…